My £60 ARM server

I’ve previously blogged about my belief that ARM servers are a big part of the future, and that server manufacturers are missing a trick by not testing the market with small, cheap, ARM servers, but I wondered if maybe they knew something I didn’t.

To find out what I was missing, I bought the closest thing I could find to a generic ARM server, the Beaglebone, an ARM development board from Texas Instruments, with a TI AM3358 ARM Cortex-A8-based microprocessor, 256MB of RAM, 100Mb ethernet, a couple of USB ports, a micro-SD card slot and not much else.

I’ve had the beaglebone for a few months now, and done various things like installed Ubuntu on it, put it in a Beaglebone custom case so it’s not a bare board anymore, run nodejs services, a VPN to get home network access from my phone and laptop, and generally used it as if it were a normal server, without any real issues.

So, now it’s time to take it to the next level – I’ve paid for the beaglebone to go into a colocation rack in Telehouse North, with a friendly colocation company called Jump Networks who were happy to help out with the experiment, and who only charge for £50 + VAT for installation and a very low monthly cost for hosting the equipment, as little as £5 per month – perfect for an ARM server.

And now, my tiny ARM server is live, running on the Internet, doing real stuff for my work, while we learn the limitations and issues of running an ARM server in the wild.

So far, I’ve found out the following things:

  • While USB is nice for a console at home, servers really need Ethernet or Serial consoles
  • 256MB of RAM is enough, but not plenty
  • Micro-SD card performance is highly variable, and generally rubbish
  • If you measure the power usage of a Beaglebone, you might not get a good answer – it’s too low for most meters!

  • Of these, only the third one has been a real issue for far – I’ve already had one SD card go bad while running the bone at home. If it happens again I’ll need to send a new pre-configured SD card to insert into the slot. The lack of a serial console hasn’t been a problem yet, but I expect it to be at the most awkward moment possible…

    All 3 problems are solvable, for a price, the Beagleboard XM for example has a serial console, and 512MB of RAM, but costs £125 as it comes with lots of other features a server doesn’t need, like DVI-D and S-Video ports, along with a slightly faster 1GHz CPU. While the price isn’t “high”, it’s twice the price of the Beaglebone.

    So for now, the Beaglebone will run day to day, doing real world things, and perhaps I’ll find out why server manufacturers aren’t making these things, and why hosting companies aren’t buying them in bulk yet. In the mean time, if you’ve got any questions about the Beaglebone, let me know and I’ll answer them the best I can.

    Update – I’ve now configured the Beaglebone to run WordPress with nginx caching and done some pretty successful load testing on it.

    I used 99 Designs, and now I feel kind of bad

    Back in March, I decided my company Nutmeg Data needed a new logo, the old one was from, and while it wasn’t bad, was just a fairly generic template which had nothing to do with the company itself, and certainly not unique.

    When it comes to logo designs online, there’s really only one website I hear about, 99 Designs, who run a “crowd sourcing” system, where you pay a fixed price, and multiple designers can submit work for you to feedback, refine and improve, prior to selection of a final logo. So, for the price of £295, you get between 30 and 50 designers doing work for you.

    This is somewhat controversial, but I decided it sounded good, the pricing was clear, up front, and had no catches, the service seemed easy to use, so I went for it.

    5 days later I had my new company logo, which I’m happy with, but at the same time I had a bad feeling in my stomach about it.

    I’d received 154 entries from 45 designers, and supplied feedback to dozens of people, but along the way I got overwhelmed by the responses, failed to respond with enough information and guidance, and in the end, I think I just happened to get lucky with my logo.

    There are dozens of entries which deserved a response, but didn’t get one, and plenty of people who got a few words of response which didn’t help them improve the logo in the slightest.

    Looking back, I realise that I went with 99 Designs because I had no clear vision of what kind of logo I wanted, or which designer to use, and their process meant it didn’t matter, I could just see what came out and picked the one I wanted.

    But of course I didn’t need to know how to express what I want in a logo, that’s the designers job – to tease out of you the kind of things you want in a logo, and build something appropriate.

    I’m not sure what the answer is to my problem, perhaps designers should be more open with their pricing and what you get for your money, but then there’s not many software developers, house builders, or project managers who’ll tell you on their website what the standard price for a bespoke piece of work would be.

    Maybe I just needed to be contact a couple of recommended designers with experience in the field, speak to them, and see what they recommend, before paying one for a few hours work with me.

    Maybe someone could make a website for doing that, so it’s all automatic? 🙂

    10 Million hits a day with WordPress using a $15 server

    [Update 2] – It seems W3 Total Cache support has been silently discontinued – it’s not been updated for over 12 months now, and has allegedly got some security issues. Because of this, I would recommend not installing W3 Total Cache as part of these instructions, everything else should run fine. [/Update]

    [Update] – I’ve tested this using the new Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Edition, and the settings all appear to work correctly without modification. Let me know if you find a problem [/Update]

    [Update September 2013] – I’ve recently moved my own blog hosting to a $10 a month VPS from Digital Ocean (that link gets you a $10 discount via an affiliate link) and have been very happy with them, including the performance of the blog.

    These instructions are the rather verbose, but hopefully easy enough to follow, steps to build a new Linux server using Varnish, Nginx, W3 Total Cache, and WordPress, to build a WordPress blog on a Amazon Micro server (or equivalent), all costing under $15 a month, capable of sustaining 10 million hits per day, as measured by

    10 Million hits per day with WordPress on a $15 virtual server

    Install Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric) on a new virtual private server- it needs to be 11.10 for all the packages that I’m going to list to work out of the box, but it’s all possible to do with other distributions.

    I used Amazon EC2 to build my test server, but Linode are also very good. As of September 2013, this blog is now hosted on Digital Ocean

    For the purpose of the documentation, my server details were as follows, yours will be different:

    Public DNS Name:
    Public IP Address:

    Login to the server and become root

    login as ubuntu via ssh, then run the sudo -i command to become root

    sudo -i

    Configure a firewall first

    Since we’re going to be installing various network services which by default listen on all interfaces, it’s important to configure a firewall.

    For Ubuntu, this is nice and easy, simply use the ufw package.

    Execute the following commands to configure it:

    ufw allow ssh
    ufw allow http
    ufw logging off
    ufw enable

    Once this is done, your server has a relatively secure firewall, though it’s worth looking at fail2ban to prevent brute force password attacks.

    If you’re using Amazon EC2, you’ll also need to open the Security Group to allow traffic on port 80. You can do this using the AWS Security Groups Console, you might need to change the region. Select the security group you used when you started the instance, and then click “Inbound”, then select “HTTP” from the drop down menu, then finally click “Add Rule”. You don’t need to restart the instance for it to take effect.

    Install and Configure MySQL

    apt-get update
    apt-get install mysql-server

    When prompted, set a mysql “root” user password

    mysql -u root -p

    When prompted, enter your newly set root password

    At the mysql> prompt, run the following 4 commands, replacing ENTER_A_PASSWORD with a password of your own

    CREATE DATABASE wordpress;
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON wordpress.* TO “wp_user”@”localhost” IDENTIFIED BY “ENTER_A_PASSWORD”;

    That’s MySQL installed, ready for the PHP and Web server installation (nginx).

    Install and configure PHP

    We need to install not just PHP, but the PHP FPM system, APC, and the MySQL module

    apt-get install php5-fpm php-pear php5-common php5-mysql php-apc php5-gd

    Edit /etc/php5/fpm/php.ini and add these lines at the bottom:

    apc.write_lock = 1
    apc.slam_defense = 0

    Edit /etc/php5/fpm/pool.d/www.conf


    listen =


    listen = /dev/shm/php-fpm-www.sock

    Below that, insert these 3 lines

    listen.owner = nginx = nginx
    listen.mode = 0660

    Then, further down in the same file, replace these 2 lines

    user = www-data
    group = www-data


    user = nginx
    group = nginx

    Save the file, PHP FPM is now complete, but it won’t work until we install nginx, so don’t worry about starting it now.

    Install and Configure Nginx

    Instructions based on the Nginx website.

    Download the nginx secure key to verify the package

    cd /tmp/
    apt-key add /tmp/nginx_signing.key

    Add the sources to the APT sources file by running these 2 commands (the >> is important!)

    echo “deb lucid nginx” >> /etc/apt/sources.list
    echo “deb-src lucid nginx” >> /etc/apt/sources.list

    Download and install nginx by running

    apt-get update
    apt-get install nginx

    When that completes, nginx will be installed, but needs configuring for WordPress.

    nginx configuration files are in /etc/nginx

    First, edit /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

    Inside the http section , insert the following lines so that when you later add varnish in front, things don’t break all over the place, and so varnish caches compressed files:

    port_in_redirect off;
    gzip  on;
    gzip_types text/css text/xml text/javascript application/x-javascript;
    gzip_vary on;

    Next, cd to /etc/nginx/conf.d and create a new file, /etc/nginx/conf.d/drop with the contents of the drop file from GitHub

    Then, replace /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf with the contents of the github default.conf file changing all entries for with your own domain name (there’s 3 entries, including 1 near the bottom)

    Make a directory, /var/www/ and set the ownership:

    mkdir -p /var/www/
    chown nginx:nginx /var/www/
    chmod 775 /var/www

    That’s nginx configured, restart it and the PHP FPM service by running:

    service nginx restart
    service php5-fpm restart

    Now, you’re actually ready to install WordPress!

    This is pretty simple, run:

    cd /tmp
    tar zxvf latest.tar.gz
    cd wordpress
    mv * /var/www/
    chown -R nginx:nginx /var/www

    To configure WordPress, run:

    cp /var/www/wp-config-sample.php /var/www/wp-config.php
    chown nginx:nginx /var/www/wp-config.php

    In a web browser, visit and copy the results

    Edit /var/www/wp-config.php

    and scroll down to fine the AUTH_KEY line down to NONCE_SALT, and replace them with the values you copied from the site

    Then, replace the default values with the MySQL ones you chose earlier (not the root user):

    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘database_name_here’);
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘username_here’);
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘password_here’);

    And once it’s done, if you’ve not had any errors and your domain name is pointing at the right IP (this is important!), then you’ll be able to visit your domain and see the WordPress configuration page at

    Go through install questions, choose a sensible username and password (it’s highly recommended you change the admin user from “admin” to something else.

    Go to settings then select permalinks, and choose “Custom Structure”, and paste in the value below (including the % symbols)


    Then hit “Save Changes”

    It’s time to create a test post, so click on “Posts” then “Add New”

    Enter a title and body, then hit “Post”, and make a note of it’s friendly URL.

    Run a test to see how we’re doing

    100 users, 60 seconds. Timeouts, low hit rates, errors, etc. CPU flat out, seems to be the initial bottleneck.

    This rush generated 632 successful hits in 1.0 min and we transferred 1.76 MB of data in and out of your app. The average hit rate of 9.81/second translates to about 847,776 hits/day.

    You got bigger problems though: 34.91% of the users during this rush experienced timeouts or errors!

    So the server is running, but it’s still too slow!

    Next, we will enable the WordPress caching systems

    Go to the wordpress admin page, then plugins, and click install new plugin.

    Update Skip the W3 Total Cache plugin if you’re following this as a tutorial, it’s not been updated in ages. I’ll update this post in the future with W3 Super Cache instructions instead, but everything else should work as it is for now
    Search for “W3 Total Cache”, then click “Install Now” when the search results return. When installation is complete, click “Activate Plugin”.

    Go to the new “Performance” section in the menu at the left side of the page.

    Scroll through the cache options, selecting “PHP APC” at each opportunity and enabling the following 2 sections:

    Database Cache
    Object Cache

    Hit “Save All Settings” then hit “Deploy”

    Rerun the test again, performance should be much improved

    This rush generated 2,902 successful hits in 1.0 min and we transferred 27.59 MB of data in and out of your app. The average hit rate of 46/second translates to about 4,006,008 hits/day.

    If we then up the run from 100 users to 250 users, there are still problems we need to fix:

    This rush generated 4,733 successful hits in 1.0 min and we transferred 36.20 MB of data in and out of your app. The average hit rate of 72/second translates to about 6,297,653 hits/day.

    You got bigger problems though: 5.49% of the users during this rush experienced timeouts or errors!

    You can see the Blitz results from the Nginx And APC configuration in this PDF.

    So still not perfect – Time to install varnish 3!

    apt-get install varnish

    Edit /etc/varnish/default.vcl replace the contents with the file default.vcl file from github.

    Edit /etc/default/varnish

    Change the section

    DAEMON_OPTS=”-a :6081 \
    -T localhost:6082 \
    -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl \
    -S /etc/varnish/secret \
    -s malloc,256m”


    DAEMON_OPTS=”-a :80 \
    -T localhost:6082 \
    -f /etc/varnish/default.vcl \
    -S /etc/varnish/secret \
    -s malloc,64m”

    Next, we need to edit the nginx configuration to listen on port 8080, instead of port 80 – Varnish is going to be running on port 80 instead.

    Edit /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf and replace

    listen 80;


    listen 8080;

    Save the file, then run

    service nginx restart
    service varnish restart

    Re-run the test with 100 users

    Almost no CPU usage, should get perfect results

    This rush generated 2,959 successful hits in 1.0 min and we transferred 28.36 MB of data in and out of your app. The average hit rate of 47/second translates to about 4,093,000 hits/day.

    Re-run the blitz with 250 users

    This rush generated 7,342 successful hits in 1.0 min and we transferred 70.38 MB of data in and out of your app. The average hit rate of 117/second translates to about 10,134,627 hits/day.

    You can see the full final run blitz performance details in this PDF.

    There it is, 10 million hits per day using WordPress on a box costing less than $20 a month, all thanks to varnish and nginx, easy!

    Remember to get your $10 discount from Digital Ocean.